Learning Process in Orthopaedic Residency: How Different Learning Styles Influence Learning Outcomes


  • Kukuh Dwiputra Hernugrahanto Department of Orthopaedi & Traumatology, Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital


Learning, Orthopaedic Residency


Learning is a dynamic process, especially in medicine, where information and technology constantly evolve. To become an orthopaedic surgeon, one must go through a series of learning processes of residency training. It is widely accepted that how much someone learns determines how far they succeed in the training. Formulating this into a simple equation, we can say that “learning is equal to academic achievement.” The more we learn, the more we achieve. Unfortunately, that is not as simple as that in a real-life scenario. Various factors influence learning outcomes, including the learning process, and learning styles. This article will discuss the learning process and describe various learning styles.1


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