A Tuberculous Osteomyelitis Late Finding Affected The Fifth Metatarsal

Tuberculous Osteomyelitis Late Finding Affected The Fifth Metatarsal


  • Fadli Fadil Ramadhan Rochmani Medical Doctor, PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Wonosobo, Central Java
  • Hirman Ari Wibawa Orthopaedic and Traumatology Surgeon, PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Wonosobo, Central Java




tubercolous, osteomyelitis, metatarsal


Many studies have reported osteoarticular involvement of tuberculosis, but few cases of tuberculous osteomyelitis of the foot have been reported. We describe a case of tuberculous osteomyelitis affecting the fifth metatarsal bone in a 56- 56-
year-old diabetic male patient and review the literature describing clinical manifestations, imaging aspects, and management of skeletal tuberculosis. A 56-year-old male patient presented with severe pain and swelling in his left leg for the past 6 months. He had no history of trauma. He had fever over his two months, had no cough, had lost weight, and had light sweats at night. His pain and swelling did not subside despite oral medication. The patient was diabetic. The patient also had radiating pain from his lower back to his left leg and numbness all over his lower back.

Tuberculosis is a widespread problem in Indonesia. It can affect any part of the body. However, the feet are rarely affected. Tuberculosis is on the rise and it is important to recognize the less common symptoms of this disease to allow early diagnosis and successful treatment. In urban areas where TB prevalence is high, there may be no TB exposure or 'typical' symptoms and signs. Radiological features are non-specific, so indicators of high suspicion are required. Patients with suspected risk factors or tuberculosis should have a biopsy to make the diagnosis and start treatment.


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