Femoral Shaft Fracture Following Traditional Massage in Neonate: A Case Report


  • Adnal Khemal Pasha Husein Putra Khemal General Practicioner, Wiradadi Husada Hospital, Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia
  • Mustoqin Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department, Wiradadi Husada Hospital, Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia




femoral shaft fracture, neonate massage, hip spica cast, case report


Background: Femoral shaft fractures following the traditional massage in newborns are very rare. We present a case of femoral shaft fracture following massage in neonates. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first well-documented case of this case.

Case Presentation: A 4-day-old baby came to the emergency room accompanied by his parents, complaining of fussiness and swelling of the left thigh since one day ago. Swelling appears after the baby takes out a massage by the shaman at home. A babygram radiograph examination was performed on the patient, and an oblique fracture of the left femoral shaft was found. The patient treats with an early hip spica cast.

Conclusions: A neonate must be massaged by someone with the proper modern knowledge (professional). The
pressure used during the massage of babies should be very gentle to avoid any discomfort or injury. All caretakers
should be advised that forceful baby massage may result in significant injury.


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